That was a long gap!

Demolition has commenced! It’s exciting, nerve-wracking and expensive so far.
We’re staying in a house nearby with most of our stuff here but a bit in storage, and trying to think about what we want for a kitchen while also trying to get our heads round water supply difficulties (tiny supply pipe, apparently, which has implications for all sorts of things not least the Wales-mandatory sprinkler system).

So - great to have got started, but we are realising again what a low tolerance we both have for risk!

My intention is to blog regularly throughout, but I think there will be a flurry just now.

Some images of where we are aiming for with our house!
Oh - and we’ll have to tell the tale of how we got here, as although the intended outcome is the same as when I posted in October 2018, we are now demolishing and rebuilding, rather than refurbing and extending.
