Why, hello! Yes, I am still alive.

Here I am knitting while C practiced poi after work on a sunny evening. Must be 6 weeks ago now! Today it is rainy and cool, and hard to imagine this chilled out picnic supper. Although we don't get the really late or really early evenings I amused to at home (summer vs winter) it is now getting dark much earlier then it was, and though warm in the sun, cold in the shade (or the rain!) Still way warmer than autumn at home, though!
Anyway, lots has happened since I last spoke - so I'll do several posts, I think.
We had a trip to Tuncurry-Forster for C to have lessons (kitesurfing) with Xshore, who were great at the teaching and gear (though I don't think phone/email is their fave thing to do!) She had a great lesson in a wonderful lagoon on the Saturday (despite not much wind at all), but Sunday was rained off, sadly. Never mind, we drove back down to Sydney more slowly than we'd travelled up, and got to see the wonder that is The Entrance (no really, it's a place!) Sort of like Weston-super-Mare but better sand....
Anyway, here's the Kite C used - look at that big sky!
Since then we've had Tuesday and Wednesday, as they are known in the family - C's sis and her BF - t stay for a week, which was great fun - we did a course at the Seafood School (seafood barbecue, was great and delicious. We all learned lots); we had a party for C and T's birthdays; we went to the beach lots and swam, trip to Manly. All in all, great fun.
Then a couple of weeks later, C's Ps came - stayed in a nearby (and v nice) B+B called Verona Guesthouse - L and P recommend it, great breakfasts, comfortable room, beautiful house. The trip to the Blue Mountains was wonderful - we shall definitely do that again (can't believe we haven't gone to stay with M+L yet, astounding!) The ferry out to Parramatta was good, too. It was lovely to see all these peeps from home.
I've had a haircut, quite a bit shorter now, and that's where I shall end for this post!