Pi are squared

Some time ago I became smitten by the idea of making this Elizabeth Zimmerman shawl. It's one recently republished in Vogue Knitting, hence I own the pattern. The idea is an extension of her pi shawl, and for me, much more appealing. You start off with some stitches for the back of the neck, and increase. The whole thing is done in garter stitch, so the increases are every x rows, where the stitch count is doubled in the descendants of the original stitches. Meanwhile, paired increases create the front cornered effect.
Enough - I'm using yarns from my good friend Barb of Lost flock fibers on Etsy. Her we've got claret, good dirt, and wood rose. Delicious! The pic is meant to show a little of the lace I've chosen for the 12 ridge (outermost wood rose) section and the 24 ridge (claret) section, but also how I plan to continue. Complete the current, 24 row section in claret, then go on to a different lace pattern in good dirt and then do a knitted on lace edging in the wood rose again. Think it'll work? I do! And then I'll do the blocking magic and have a light and colourful but not garish cover-up for all seasons!
More details:

ETA: OK, so the stitch pattern in the wood rose (12 ridge) bit is the versailles border, p 349 2nd Barbara Walker Treasury, except done in garter; the stitch pattern in the claret that has just got going is Scroll Lace, p 220 in the first treasury; the pattern you may/may not be able to see is the Janus one, 2nd book p310 and that's the one traveling down each side of the square edge of the shawl, if you see what I mean.
If you haven't got the stitch dictionaries, they're great - I got mine from Schoolhouse Press, and they marked them educational books so I paid no duty! $108US just now...
All changed to garter stitch.