An Ugly Lovely House

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Bee Fields Stole

This is an Anne Hanson of Knitspot design - in some ways I like the Bee Fields triangular Shawl better (I think the panels with the strips of bees and the otehr pattern between are preferable on that) but I'm not a great triangular shawl person - also can't bear those long rows!

The yarn is wonderful Chocolate Toffee from Jen at Fyberspates - and most delightful it is! Jen has *very* good customer service - she sent me 2 skeins that had conned her they were dry (silk will do this) but were in fatc just very slightly damp. by the time they arrived here they stank most awfully. I tried just drying them - no good - and ended up washing them several times, which spoilt the lustre quite a bit. I let her know - she said 'snap' the yarn and the sheen will return - and I think it is getting better! However, she also sent me two more skeins. The match is pretty good (I thought I'd lost lots of colour from the 2 I'd washed, but not so!)
And doesn't it have a honeyed look? Perfect for this bumble bee broth?

By the way - if you wonder why the yarn looks good - it's because I realised I have a perfect light box. It's the bath! There is a long window next to the bath, but it faces another building and north-ish, so almost never any direct sun,but very light. And the bath itself is white but slightly matt. What d'you think - better?